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Music in LEVI'S "Stampede" SupBowl Ad??

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# 1 21 years ago

Anyone that can tell me who the artist/song title from Levi's Superbowl ad with the guy and the girl in... er... jeans... while the stampede of buffalo came through??
# 2 21 years ago

Ricky Sixx
> Anyone that can tell me who the artist/song title from Levi's Superbowl ad with the guy and the girl in... er... jeans... while the stampede of buffalo came through??
> Thanks
The answer is down below... but since I'm willing to bet you're too lazy to look its 'summer' by a band named Mogwai
Now go crazy with your Kazaa or Morpheus
# 3 21 years ago

ONE: Thanks for pointing that out. Clearly, I didn't see the posting. You may now assume your previous position popping pimples on your pre-pubescant oil-field face, while you sit, crouched, waiting for the next person to post a previously asked/answered question. You sicken me. At least I can take comfort in knowing that when I see you later in life, the change that I throw into your cup will go not towards crack/booze, but instead to fund your quarter-a-minute she-male porn addiction. Please, I beg you, go outside, get some sunlight, and find a job... Momma will throw you off of her bosom someday, junior, and you should at least begin preparations for something like a life.
TWO: Don't bother with a reply, I won't check back again... I have many more important things to do with my time... in fact, the next time that you see my name, it will probably posting another question about a song that, if I would only examine the board with the precision with which you scrutinize it, I would notice was already posted, and kindly replied to.... oops!
Have a nice life, kiddo.

# 4 21 years ago

ONE: Thanks for pointing that out. Clearly, I didn't see the posting. You may now assume your previous position popping pimples on your pre-pubescant oil-field face, while you sit, crouched, waiting for the next person to post a previously asked/answered question. You sicken me. At least I can take comfort in knowing that when I see you later in life, the change that I throw into your cup will go not towards crack/booze, but instead to fund your quarter-a-minute she-male porn addiction. Please, I beg you, go outside, get some sunlight, and find a job... Momma will throw you off of her bosom someday, junior, and you should at least begin preparations for something like a life.
TWO: Don't bother with a reply, I won't check back again... I have many more important things to do with my time... in fact, the next time that you see my name, it will probably posting another question about a song that, if I would only examine the board with the precision with which you scrutinize it, I would notice was already posted, and kindly replied to.... oops!
Have a nice life, kiddo.

: The answer is down below... but since I'm willing to bet you're too lazy to look its 'summer' by a band named Mogwai
> Now go crazy with your Kazaa or Morpheus

# 5 21 years ago

I'm not trying to be funny or anything but i did go crazy with my Grokster and i dont think it's summer by mogwai- i downloaded like half of it and tested it and it was not the same song as the song thats in the Levi's Type 1 Jeans commercial- so if anybody is positive as to what the song is called please write back
# 6 11 years ago

Original track was DJ Promo - Fresh Def Fly
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