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Chase Credit Card Commercial - Song!!!!!

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# 106 19 years ago

> What's the song and artist whos sings the song on the Chase Credit Card TV commercial??? I've heard it on the radio also and can never catch the title or artist!
> Thanks for any help!!
# 107 19 years ago

> > What's the song and artist whos sings the song on the Chase Credit Card TV commercial??? I've heard it on the radio also and can never catch the title or artist!
> >
> > Thanks for any help!!
# 108 19 years ago

> What's the song and artist whos sings the song on the Chase Credit Card TV commercial??? I've heard it on the radio also and can never catch the title or artist!
> Thanks for any help!!
# 109 19 years ago

> What's the song and artist whos sings the song on the Chase Credit Card TV commercial??? I've heard it on the radio also and can never catch the title or artist!
> Thanks for any help!!
# 110 19 years ago

Yeah I had the same problem- but I found it- 100 years by Five for Fighting. Hope that helps. :)

> What's the song and artist whos sings the song on the Chase Credit Card TV commercial??? I've heard it on the radio also and can never catch the title or artist!
> Thanks for any help!!
# 111 19 years ago

> What's the song and artist whos sings the song on the Chase Credit Card TV commercial??? I've heard it on the radio also and can never catch the title or artist!
> Thanks for any help!!
# 112 19 years ago

> What's the song and artist whos sings the song on the Chase Credit Card TV commercial??? I've heard it on the radio also and can never catch the title or artist!
> Thanks for any help!!
> Who's the artist and the song???
# 113 19 years ago

> What's the song and artist whos sings the song on the Chase Credit Card TV commercial??? I've heard it on the radio also and can never catch the title or artist!
> Thanks for any help!!
> its by train not too sure of the name od the song but train sings it
# 114 19 years ago

> What's the song and artist whos sings the song on the Chase Credit Card TV commercial??? I've heard it on the radio also and can never catch the title or artist!
> Thanks for any help!!
# 115 19 years ago

Laurie in Ohio
If you haven't found it yet:

> What's the song and artist whos sings the song on the Chase Credit Card TV commercial??? I've heard it on the radio also and can never catch the title or artist!
> Thanks for any help!!
# 116 19 years ago

> What's the song and artist whos sings the song on the Chase Credit Card TV commercial??? I've heard it on the radio also and can never catch the title or artist!
> Thanks for any help!!
> That song is 100 Years by Five for Fighting.
# 117 19 years ago

The song is 100 Years by Five for Fighting and can be found on their album "The Battle For Everything."
# 118 19 years ago

> What's the song and artist whos sings the song on the Chase Credit Card TV commercial??? I've heard it on the radio also and can never catch the title or artist!
> Thanks for any help!!
100 years by five for fighting
# 119 19 years ago

> > What's the song and artist whos sings the song on the Chase Credit Card TV commercial??? I've heard it on the radio also and can never catch the title or artist!
> >
> > Thanks for any help!!
# 120 19 years ago

> > What's the song and artist whos sings the song on the Chase Credit Card TV commercial??? I've heard it on the radio also and can never catch the title or artist!
> >
> > Thanks for any help!!
> Thats what I want to know. :S
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