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what song in lipitor commercial?

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# 1 22 years ago

what's the song in the lipitor commercial where a lady exits a limo and trips while walking?
# 2 22 years ago

> what's the song in the lipitor commercial where a lady exits a limo and trips while walking?

# 3 21 years ago

> what's the song in the lipitor commercial where a lady exits a limo and trips while walking?
An answer to this very same question would make me very happy. Have you heard anything yet?
# 4 21 years ago

The commercial was produced by Propaganda Films, Los Angeles (Now out of business)
Name of commercial: 'Diva'
The Music Company: Amber Music, NYC (212)352-1888
an original score by house composer, Mike Hewer
Ad Agency:
Merkley Newman Harty, NY
Art Director: Matthew Johnstone
Copywriter: Jonathan Isaacs
Exec. Creative Director: Andy Hirsch
Exec. Creative Director: Randy Saitta
Producer: Adina Sales

: what's the song in the lipitor commercial where a lady exits a limo and trips while walking?

# 5 21 years ago

Try this link what's the song in the lipitor commercial where a lady exits a limo and trips while walking?

# 6 21 years ago

> what's the song in the lipitor commercial where a lady exits a limo and trips while walking?
The commerical is known as 'Diva'. The music was composed by Mike Hewer of Amber Music.
# 7 21 years ago

background music
> : what's the song in the CBS lipitor commercial that plays in the background?

# 8 21 years ago

> what's the song in the lipitor commercial where a lady exits a limo and trips while walking?
The commecial is called 'Diva'
Look here for more info.

# 9 21 years ago

> what's the song in the lipitor commercial where a lady exits a limo and trips while walking?
Forget the song I have been trying to find out who the beutiful silver haired woman is, and why havent we seen her in real movies?

# 10 21 years ago

who sings 'I only have eyes for you' in the commercial where the the man dives in the pool

# 11 21 years ago

> : what's the song in the lipitor commercial where a lady exits a limo and trips while walking?

It might be Jazzanova's Bohemian Sunset. Try this link. I downloaded the mp3 for free.
# 12 21 years ago

> > what's the background music in the lipitor commercial where the woman is surfing?
# 13 21 years ago

> > : what's the song in the lipitor commercial where a lady exits a limo and trips while walking?
> It might be Jazzanova's Bohemian Sunset. Try this link. I downloaded the mp3 for free.
> it was an original composition by a gentleman named Matt Hewer, as I recall. The production company, whose name I've sadly forgotten, is out of business. he commerical was titled "Diva."
# 14 20 years ago

> > > what's the background music in the lipitor commercial where the woman is surfing?
> >
> >
# 15 20 years ago

> > > > what's the background music in the lipitor commercial where the woman is surfing?
> > >
> > >
> >
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