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Oil of Olay Regenerist commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Does anyone know the name of the model in the new "Oil of Olay Regenerist" commercial. She has a very nice tan, dark-brown hair, and blue/green eyes. And she's beautiful, obviously. Thanks.
# 2 20 years ago

let me know if u learn it, she is gorgeous isn't she..
# 3 20 years ago

> let me know if u learn it, she is gorgeous isn't she..
# 4 20 years ago

I found an Oil of Olay ad in a women's magazine with her in it, but it doesn't say her name. I'll try scanning it and showing it to some guys I know, and maybe they'll know her name or at least find out for me.
# 5 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the model in the new "Oil of Olay Regenerist" commercial. She has a very nice tan, dark-brown hair, and blue/green eyes. And she's beautiful, obviously. Thanks.

I made a little research - wanted to know her real age (polygraph commercial), she's 32. The actress is Caitlin Keats.
# 6 20 years ago

It looks an awful lot like Linda Fiorentino, who is 45, but hot.

> I found an Oil of Olay ad in a women's magazine with her in it, but it doesn't say her name. I'll try scanning it and showing it to some guys I know, and maybe they'll know her name or at least find out for me.
# 7 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the model in the new "Oil of Olay Regenerist" commercial. She has a very nice tan, dark-brown hair, and blue/green eyes. And she's beautiful, obviously. Thanks.

Ion Overman I believe. She played in Miss Match and The L Word.
# 8 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the model in the new "Oil of Olay Regenerist" commercial. She has a very nice tan, dark-brown hair, and blue/green eyes. And she's beautiful, obviously. Thanks.

Christina Chambers
# 9 19 years ago


>Hi Christina Chambers, Can you tell me possibly where you saw the commercial. If on tv, what network channel and timeframe. If on the web, what site? Thank you, Kristin, Mason, OH
# 10 19 years ago

> > Does anyone know the name of the model in the new "Oil of Olay Regenerist" commercial. She has a very nice tan, dark-brown hair, and blue/green eyes. And she's beautiful, obviously. Thanks.
> Christina Chambers
# 11 19 years ago

Todd MichaeL Wiseman
> > Does anyone know the name of the model in the new "Oil of Olay Regenerist" commercial. She has a very nice tan, dark-brown hair, and blue/green eyes. And she's beautiful, obviously. Thanks.
> Christina Chambers

yes i know who she is , did your same ad just run during TOMMY LEE GOES TO COLLEGE last nite?? e me 4 nFo...
# 12 19 years ago


does anyone know the name of the product on an oil of olay commercial with a girl and a dog? the commercial says something like "you can't tame your dog, but you can tame your face..." or something like that. it's a facial wash that is said to control pimples even with stress. please let me know if you know the name of the product. thanks!

# 13 19 years ago

Yes, she is lovely isn't she. I've tried to do a search on the net but to no avail..... I just love the way she looks !
# 14 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the model in the new "Oil of Olay Regenerist" commercial. She has a very nice tan, dark-brown hair, and blue/green eyes. And she's beautiful, obviously. Thanks.

I found this link while trying to determine if the girl in this commercial is who I think it is. I personally think it is actress/model Scarlett Chorvat. (The girl who has the lesbian kiss at the very end of Dodgeball.) Not sure, but maybe. I'll keep looking.
# 15 19 years ago

> > Does anyone know the name of the model in the new "Oil of Olay Regenerist" commercial. She has a very nice tan, dark-brown hair, and blue/green eyes. And she's beautiful, obviously. Thanks.
> I made a little research - wanted to know her real age (polygraph commercial), she's 32. The actress is Caitlin Keats.
> She is my cousin.
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