Anybody know where to get that recent (1999-2000?) Grillmaster commercial with Robert Wuhl from the HBO show Arliss? The commercial where he says "unless you're a BBQ god... like me" and he has a "BBQ God" flag? That was such a great commercial.
> Anybody know where to get that recent (1999-2000?) Grillmaster commercial with Robert Wuhl from the HBO show Arliss? The commercial where he says "unless you're a BBQ god... like me" and he has a "BBQ God" flag? That was such a great commercial.
> > Anybody know where to get that recent (1999-2000?) Grillmaster commercial with Robert Wuhl from the HBO show Arliss? The commercial where he says "unless you're a BBQ god... like me" and he has a "BBQ God" flag? That was such a great commercial. >
> ??? > > > > Anybody know where to get that recent (1999-2000?) Grillmaster commercial with Robert Wuhl from the HBO show Arliss? The commercial where he says "unless you're a BBQ god... like me" and he has a "BBQ God" flag? That was such a great commercial. > > >
> Anybody know where to get that recent (1999-2000?) Grillmaster commercial with Robert Wuhl from the HBO show Arliss? The commercial where he says "unless you're a BBQ god... like me" and he has a "BBQ God" flag? That was such a great commercial. Who came up with the name of the show as it is my name
Thank you for the post.
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