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the song in the Hp commercial

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# 31 20 years ago

Its called "Picture Book" by The Kinks
# 32 20 years ago

Its called "Picture Book" by The Kinks

> I need to know the name of the song that is in the HP commercial where the guy is holding white frames in front of his face. The lyrics are like pictures of you, pictures of your mama takin' byu your papa a long time ago. or something like that.
# 33 20 years ago

> I need to know the name of the song that is in the HP commercial where the guy is holding white frames in front of his face. The lyrics are like pictures of you, pictures of your mama takin' byu your papa a long time ago. or something like that.

its called picture book by the kinks
# 34 20 years ago

"Picture Book" by the Kinks... I think.

> I need to know the name of the song that is in the HP commercial where the guy is holding white frames in front of his face. The lyrics are like pictures of you, pictures of your mama takin' byu your papa a long time ago. or something like that.
# 35 20 years ago

> I need to know the name of the song that is in the HP commercial where the guy is holding white frames in front of his face. The lyrics are like pictures of you, pictures of your mama takin' byu your papa a long time ago. or something like that.
# 36 20 years ago

It's called "Picture Book" by The Kinks :-D

> I need to know the name of the song that is in the HP commercial where the guy is holding white frames in front of his face. The lyrics are like pictures of you, pictures of your mama takin' byu your papa a long time ago. or something like that.
# 37 20 years ago

> I need to know the name of the song that is in the HP commercial where the guy is holding white frames in front of his face. The lyrics are like pictures of you, pictures of your mama takin' byu your papa a long time ago. or something like that.

It's Called Picture book by the Kinks
# 38 20 years ago

> I know the first words are "Picture book, instead of pictures of you.. maybe that will be some clue to what the song title is
# 39 20 years ago

Cure, The - Pictures Of You
# 40 20 years ago

Hi There the song is - 'Picture Book' by The Kinks
# 41 20 years ago

> I need to know the name of the song that is in the HP commercial where the guy is holding white frames in front of his face. The lyrics are like pictures of you, pictures of your mama takin' byu your papa a long time ago. or something like that.

The song is called Picture Book by the kinks
# 42 20 years ago

Kinks - "Picture Book"
# 43 20 years ago

It's called "Picture Book" by The Kinks.
# 44 20 years ago

"Picture Book" by the Kinks

> I need to know the name of the song that is in the HP commercial where the guy is holding white frames in front of his face. The lyrics are like pictures of you, pictures of your mama takin' byu your papa a long time ago. or something like that.
# 45 20 years ago

Picture Book by the Kinks

> I need to know the name of the song that is in the HP commercial where the guy is holding white frames in front of his face. The lyrics are like pictures of you, pictures of your mama takin' byu your papa a long time ago. or something like that.
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