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Molson Canadian commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

Does ANYONE know the name of the song in the background of the party in the "Good time for a short beer" Molson Canadian commercial?
The guy in the ad says "she's got hungry eyes and i'm the all you can eat buffet" and the chick turns out to be the guy who he's talking to's girlfriend. anyways i need to know the song from that commercial... any help is appreciated! thanks
# 2 20 years ago

I NEED HELP! anyone?

> Does ANYONE know the name of the song in the background of the party in the "Good time for a short beer" Molson Canadian commercial?
> The guy in the ad says "she's got hungry eyes and i'm the all you can eat buffet" and the chick turns out to be the guy who he's talking to's girlfriend. anyways i need to know the song from that commercial... any help is appreciated! thanks
# 3 20 years ago

The cold shots commercial song is by a Montreal artist called B-U The Knowledgist. :)
# 4 20 years ago

I'm also looking for the title to that song. Any idea?

> Does ANYONE know the name of the song in the background of the party in the "Good time for a short beer" Molson Canadian commercial?
> The guy in the ad says "she's got hungry eyes and i'm the all you can eat buffet" and the chick turns out to be the guy who he's talking to's girlfriend. anyways i need to know the song from that commercial... any help is appreciated! thanks
# 5 20 years ago

Have you found out what the song is? I'm looking for it also so if you have figured out who sings it could you email me the name of the song?

# 6 20 years ago

> Does ANYONE know the name of the song in the background of the party in the "Good time for a short beer" Molson Canadian commercial?
> The guy in the ad says "she's got hungry eyes and i'm the all you can eat buffet" and the chick turns out to be the guy who he's talking to's girlfriend. anyways i need to know the song from that commercial... any help is appreciated! thanks
# 7 20 years ago

> Does ANYONE know the name of the song in the background of the party in the "Good time for a short beer" Molson Canadian commercial?
> The guy in the ad says "she's got hungry eyes and i'm the all you can eat buffet" and the chick turns out to be the guy who he's talking to's girlfriend. anyways i need to know the song from that commercial... any help is appreciated! thanks
# 8 20 years ago

> Does ANYONE know the name of the song in the background of the party in the "Good time for a short beer" Molson Canadian commercial?
> The guy in the ad says "she's got hungry eyes and i'm the all you can eat buffet" and the chick turns out to be the guy who he's talking to's girlfriend. anyways i need to know the song from that commercial... any help is appreciated! thanks

Did you ever get the name of the song?
# 9 20 years ago

Find it here:

> Does ANYONE know the name of the song in the background of the party in the "Good time for a short beer" Molson Canadian commercial?
> The guy in the ad says "she's got hungry eyes and i'm the all you can eat buffet" and the chick turns out to be the guy who he's talking to's girlfriend. anyways i need to know the song from that commercial... any help is appreciated! thanks
# 10 20 years ago

> Does ANYONE know the name of the song in the background of the party in the "Good time for a short beer" Molson Canadian commercial?
> The guy in the ad says "she's got hungry eyes and i'm the all you can eat buffet" and the chick turns out to be the guy who he's talking to's girlfriend. anyways i need to know the song from that commercial... any help is appreciated! thanks
# 11 20 years ago

> Does ANYONE know the name of the song in the background of the party in the "Good time for a short beer" Molson Canadian commercial?
> The guy in the ad says "she's got hungry eyes and i'm the all you can eat buffet" and the chick turns out to be the guy who he's talking to's girlfriend. anyways i need to know the song from that commercial... any help is appreciated! TY :)
# 12 20 years ago

> Does ANYONE know the name of the song in the background of the party in the "Good time for a short beer" Molson Canadian commercial?
> The guy in the ad says "she's got hungry eyes and i'm the all you can eat buffet" and the chick turns out to be the guy who he's talking to's girlfriend. anyways i need to know the song from that commercial... any help is appreciated! thanks
download from here
# 13 20 years ago

i'm looking for that exact song man...if you get any leads or if you eventually find out, post it here,
thnkz man
# 14 20 years ago

I'd like to know too, I haven't found it..

> Does ANYONE know the name of the song in the background of the party in the "Good time for a short beer" Molson Canadian commercial?
> The guy in the ad says "she's got hungry eyes and i'm the all you can eat buffet" and the chick turns out to be the guy who he's talking to's girlfriend. anyways i need to know the song from that commercial... any help is appreciated! thanks
# 15 20 years ago

>ahhhhh! im looking for it too!!
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