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Diet Coke Song -

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# 31 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the sone in the Diet Coke commercial with Adrian Brody? Coke's name for the commercial is "Bounce". What and who sings the song in that commercial?
# 32 20 years ago

The name of the song in the diet coke commercial with adrian brody is
"callin out" by Lyrics Born
# 33 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the sone in the Diet Coke commercial with Adrian Brody? Coke's name for the commercial is "Bounce". What and who sings the song in that commercial?
# 34 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the sone in the Diet Coke commercial with Adrian Brody? Coke's name for the commercial is "Bounce". What and who sings the song in that commercial?
# 35 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the sone in the Diet Coke commercial with Adrian Brody? Coke's name for the commercial is "Bounce". What and who sings the song in that commercial?
# 36 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the sone in the Diet Coke commercial with Adrian Brody? Coke's name for the commercial is "Bounce". What and who sings the song in that commercial?

Yeah...the song is called "Callin' Out" by a rap artist named Lyrics Born. You can buy his album on Amazon. Support the offbeat...
# 37 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the sone in the Diet Coke commercial with Adrian Brody? Coke's name for the commercial is "Bounce". What and who sings the song in that commercial?
# 38 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the sone in the Diet Coke commercial with Adrian Brody? Coke's name for the commercial is "Bounce". What and who sings the song in that commercial?
Shadrach, The name of the song is "Callin' Out" it is sung by Lyrics Born.
# 39 20 years ago

Tessa Qualkinbush
It's "Callin' Out" by Lyrics Born
# 40 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the sone in the Diet Coke commercial with Adrian Brody? Coke's name for the commercial is "Bounce". What and who sings the song in that commercial?
Lyrics Born "Callin' Out"
# 41 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the sone in the Diet Coke commercial with Adrian Brody? Coke's name for the commercial is "Bounce". What and who sings the song in that commercial?
# 42 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the sone in the Diet Coke commercial with Adrian Brody? Coke's name for the commercial is "Bounce". What and who sings the song in that commercial?
I would like to know the answer to the same question. So would someone please email me with the answer, if they find out? I would really appreciate it. Jeana
# 43 20 years ago

> A group called "Lyrics Born" sings the song "Callin' Out" which is featured in the Adrian Brody "Bounce" Diet Coke tv ad.
# 44 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the sone in the Diet Coke commercial with Adrian Brody? Coke's name for the commercial is "Bounce". What and who sings the song in that commercial?'s called "Callin' Out" by an asian rapper named Lyrics Born. You can download his CD on several websites. Happy New Year!
# 45 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the name of the sone in the Diet Coke commercial with Adrian Brody? Coke's name for the commercial is "Bounce". What and who sings the song in that commercial?
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