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volvo commercial

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# 1 20 years ago

i need to find the name of the song in that volvo commercial with the girl in a white knitted touque and pig-tales...the singer's almost got a bit of a raspy voice...and one parts like "on my owwn...." pfff i dunno
# 2 20 years ago

> i need to find the name of the song in that volvo commercial with the girl in a white knitted touque and pig-tales...the singer's almost got a bit of a raspy voice...and one parts like "on my owwn...." pfff i dunno


Volvo uses a lot of different music in their many TV ads. If you mention the Volvo model in the commercial - it would be easier to locate that music.

Based on what you said about a raspy voice, I believe the song you're looking for is "Glorious" by Andreas Johnson. Here's a link to that album on

You can click on "See more product details" and preview the song 'Glorious'. I DJ and I know that there are dance remixes of that song out there - not sure if the version on the Volvo commercial is the "album" version or one of the dance remixes.

Also, you can check out
select your country and click GO. The page has link to multi-media pages with music,etc.

Another great place for finding TV Ad music is (go into their Forums)

Hope all this info helps!
# 3 20 years ago

> > i need to find the name of the song in that volvo commercial with the girl in a white knitted touque and pig-tales...the singer's almost got a bit of a raspy voice...and one parts like "on my owwn...." pfff i dunno
> Jeremy,
> Volvo uses a lot of different music in their many TV ads. If you mention the Volvo model in the commercial - it would be easier to locate that music.
> Based on what you said about a raspy voice, I believe the song you're looking for is "Glorious" by Andreas Johnson. Here's a link to that album on
> You can click on "See more product details" and preview the song 'Glorious'. I DJ and I know that there are dance remixes of that song out there - not sure if the version on the Volvo commercial is the "album" version or one of the dance remixes.
> Also, you can check out
> select your country and click GO. The page has link to multi-media pages with music,etc.
> Another great place for finding TV Ad music is (go into their Forums)
> Hope all this info helps!
# 4 20 years ago

The song is called "place your hands" by "Reef" ... you can go to
to preview the song.
Hope this helps!
# 5 20 years ago

i appreciate the reply, but it still hasnt found me the right song yet. i know forsure its not: andreas johnson, turin brakes, atlas plug, dilated peoples, chemical brothers, craig armstrong, paul oakenfold, or rob dougan...these are songs from every other volvo commercial except the one im looking for...i dont remember the model number..and i havent seen the commercial since. its driving me nuts, i really wanna know what the song is. its hard to describe, like a raspy voice with with good electric guitar...and theirs a hot chick with pigtales wearin a white knitted touque in it...if anyone out there knows what its called...pleasee tell me.
# 6 20 years ago

> i"ve been trying to find that same song. there is a line that goes 'run your fingers through my soul'. maybe with the two of us looking we may run across it!
# 7 20 years ago

i know it's an awesome song! So addictive! It's by a band called Reef, and it's called"place your hands". Check out their song called "resignation" also, it too is killer.
# 8 20 years ago

thank you sooo much!!! thats the one. i've been looking everywhere for it...thanks alot
# 9 20 years ago

>Thanks it is an awsome song love the singer's voice
# 10 20 years ago

It is definitely the song "Place Your Hands" by Reef on their album "Glow".
Positively guaranteed.
# 11 20 years ago

> > i need to find the name of the song in that volvo commercial with the girl in a white knitted touque and pig-tales...the singer's almost got a bit of a raspy voice...and one parts like "on my owwn...." pfff i dunno
> Jeremy,
> Volvo uses a lot of different music in their many TV ads. If you mention the Volvo model in the commercial - it would be easier to locate that music.
> Based on what you said about a raspy voice, I believe the song you're looking for is "Glorious" by Andreas Johnson. Here's a link to that album on
> You can click on "See more product details" and preview the song 'Glorious'. I DJ and I know that there are dance remixes of that song out there - not sure if the version on the Volvo commercial is the "album" version or one of the dance remixes.
> Also, you can check out
> select your country and click GO. The page has link to multi-media pages with music,etc.
> Another great place for finding TV Ad music is (go into their Forums)
> Hope all this info helps!
>the volvo commercial that Jeremy is talking about is the new VOLVO S40.
I am also trying to find out the name of the song! PLEASE HELP!!!
# 12 20 years ago

i want it to...
has that line "run your fingers through my soul" right?
# 13 20 years ago

dude, i figured it out...
REEF does the song 'Place Your Hands" from their album Glow. try this link
# 14 20 years ago

> i appreciate the reply, but it still hasnt found me the right song yet. i know forsure its not: andreas johnson, turin brakes, atlas plug, dilated peoples, chemical brothers, craig armstrong, paul oakenfold, or rob dougan...these are songs from every other volvo commercial except the one im looking for...i dont remember the model number..and i havent seen the commercial since. its driving me nuts, i really wanna know what the song is. its hard to describe, like a raspy voice with with good electric guitar...and theirs a hot chick with pigtales wearin a white knitted touque in it...if anyone out there knows what its called...pleasee tell me.
# 15 20 years ago

I think I know the commercial you're talking's a guy with a deep raspy voice and at one point the lyrics say "run your fingers through my soul...". I can't find the song or artist anywhere, so if you come across it please post. Thanks and hope this helps (a bit....)

> > i need to find the name of the song in that volvo commercial with the girl in a white knitted touque and pig-tales...the singer's almost got a bit of a raspy voice...and one parts like "on my owwn...." pfff i dunno
> Jeremy,
> Volvo uses a lot of different music in their many TV ads. If you mention the Volvo model in the commercial - it would be easier to locate that music.
> Based on what you said about a raspy voice, I believe the song you're looking for is "Glorious" by Andreas Johnson. Here's a link to that album on
> You can click on "See more product details" and preview the song 'Glorious'. I DJ and I know that there are dance remixes of that song out there - not sure if the version on the Volvo commercial is the "album" version or one of the dance remixes.
> Also, you can check out
> select your country and click GO. The page has link to multi-media pages with music,etc.
> Another great place for finding TV Ad music is (go into their Forums)
> Hope all this info helps!
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