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Volvo 2005 S40 song

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# 1 20 years ago

I need to know the name of the kick ass song in the volvo commercial where everyone is dancing around their cars. I will love anyone who can be of assistace in the matter.

# 2 20 years ago

> I need to know the name of the kick ass song in the volvo commercial where everyone is dancing around their cars. I will love anyone who can be of assistace in the matter.

I believe the song you're looking for is "Glorious" by Andreas Johnson. Here's a link to that album on

You can click on "See more product details" and preview the song 'Glorious'. I DJ and I know that there are dance remixes of that song out there - not sure if the version on the Volvo commercial is the "album" version or one of the dance remixes.

Hope this is what you were looking for.
# 3 20 years ago

The song is called "place your hands" by "Reef" ... you can go to
to preview the song.
Hope this helps!
# 4 20 years ago

Calum Tsang
> > I need to know the name of the kick ass song in the volvo commercial where everyone is dancing around their cars. I will love anyone who can be of assistace in the matter.

It might also be "Place Your Hands" by Reef.
# 5 20 years ago

It is definitely, Place Your Hands by Reef.
# 6 20 years ago

> > > I need to know the name of the kick ass song in the volvo commercial where everyone is dancing around their cars. I will love anyone who can be of assistace in the matter.
> It might also be "Place Your Hands" by Reef.
yes this is the song you whant!
# 7 20 years ago

The name of that song is "Place Your Hands" by Reef

> > I need to know the name of the kick ass song in the volvo commercial where everyone is dancing around their cars. I will love anyone who can be of assistace in the matter.
> >
> Jesse,
> I believe the song you're looking for is "Glorious" by Andreas Johnson. Here's a link to that album on
> You can click on "See more product details" and preview the song 'Glorious'. I DJ and I know that there are dance remixes of that song out there - not sure if the version on the Volvo commercial is the "album" version or one of the dance remixes.
> Hope this is what you were looking for.
# 8 20 years ago

> >While fun, "Glorious" is not the song in the commercial. It is "Place your Hands", by Reef on the album "Glow".
I haven't listened to much by Reef, but this song doesn't seem representative of their other stuff. (It's great).
Hope it helps.

I need to know the name of the kick ass song in the volvo commercial where everyone is dancing around their cars. I will love anyone who can be of assistace in the matter.
> >
> Jesse,
> I believe the song you're looking for is "Glorious" by Andreas Johnson. Here's a link to that album on
> You can click on "See more product details" and preview the song 'Glorious'. I DJ and I know that there are dance remixes of that song out there - not sure if the version on the Volvo commercial is the "album" version or one of the dance remixes.
> Hope this is what you were looking for.
# 9 20 years ago

Thanks for the reply. Loved the song as soon as I saw the commercial.
# 10 20 years ago

> > I need to know the name of the kick ass song in the volvo commercial where everyone is dancing around their cars. I will love anyone who can be of assistace in the matter.
> >
> Jesse,
> I believe the song you're looking for is "Glorious" by Andreas Johnson. Here's a link to that album on
> You can click on "See more product details" and preview the song 'Glorious'. I DJ and I know that there are dance remixes of that song out there - not sure if the version on the Volvo commercial is the "album" version or one of the dance remixes.
> Hope this is what you were looking for.

Hi, I was hoping that someone knew the name of the song for the new S40 2005 volvo. I have been searching for this song and had no luck. I've check out the song mentioned above and it's not it. I would appreciate if anyone could let me know what it is. Thanx,
# 11 20 years ago

> > I need to know the name of the kick ass song in the volvo commercial where everyone is dancing around their cars. I will love anyone who can be of assistace in the matter.
> >
> Jesse,
> I believe the song you're looking for is "Glorious" by Andreas Johnson. Here's a link to that album on
> You can click on "See more product details" and preview the song 'Glorious'. I DJ and I know that there are dance remixes of that song out there - not sure if the version on the Volvo commercial is the "album" version or one of the dance remixes.
> Hope this is what you were looking for.

The song your are looking for is Reef-Put your hands.

# 12 20 years ago

> > I need to know the name of the kick ass song in the volvo commercial where everyone is dancing around their cars. I will love anyone who can be of assistace in the matter.
> >
> Jesse,
> I believe the song you're looking for is "Glorious" by Andreas Johnson. Here's a link to that album on
> You can click on "See more product details" and preview the song 'Glorious'. I DJ and I know that there are dance remixes of that song out there - not sure if the version on the Volvo commercial is the "album" version or one of the dance remixes.
> Hope this is what you were looking for.

The song your are looking for is Reef-Put your hands.

# 13 20 years ago

Actually the name of the song is called "Place your hands" and it is by a group called "Reef"
# 14 19 years ago

> > I need to know the name of the kick ass song in the volvo commercial where everyone is dancing around their cars. I will love anyone who can be of assistace in the matter.
> >
> Jesse,
> I believe the song you're looking for is "Glorious" by Andreas Johnson. Here's a link to that album on
> You can click on "See more product details" and preview the song 'Glorious'. I DJ and I know that there are dance remixes of that song out there - not sure if the version on the Volvo commercial is the "album" version or one of the dance remixes.
> Hope this is what you were looking for.

Reef-Place your hands(Just got it too!!!!)
# 15 19 years ago

Funny Thing. I remember that particular commercial, where the car is "bumpin" and stuff. The group from what I hear is Dialated People, the title is This Way or Chance.

Anyways. To John. Thanks Buddy. I was looking for that song since 2000 or 2001. Sounds like U2 kinda music, not the voice though, just that guitar or violin stuff. Man I was always trying to figure out what that hell it was. Man I bugged everyone work, cousins you name it. I saw that in a recent S40 commercial about some offers or something but that was the only time it came on. Never seen it since then. Anyways THANKS!
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