What is actress' name on LiveLinks Commercial?
Can someone tell me the name of the brunette actress on the livelinks commercial? You know, the one where she says "bikini-check, lotion-check, sunglasses-check. I love calling LinkLinks, I do it all the time".
The actress on the LiveLinks commercial is Evangeline Lilly.
After appearing in numerous ads, she later had a break-though playing the role of Kate on the ABC TV-Show "LOST,", back then on Wednesday nights at 8 eastern time.
This question is a duplicate of Model on Livelinks commercial.
Edited by
on Tue Jan 30 20:39:01 2018
What is your interest in this actress??
I believe her name is Melissa.
> Can someone tell me the name of the brunette actress in the lynx 24/7 advert. The one where the guy and girl meet in a supermarket and kinda do everything in reverse, '' Cause you never know when'' slogan.
Who is the actor in the new Target Holiday commercial? My boyfriend thinks he is Hugh Hefner, but I don't think that Mr. Hefner would be doing a Target commercial? Can someone find out for me? Thanks!
That would be Evangeline Lilly who is now one of the main cast members on ABC'S new hit show "LOST" http://imdb.com/name/nm1431940/
> Can someone tell me the name of the brunette actress on the livelinks commercial? You know, the one where she says "bikini-check, lotion-check, sunglasses-check. I love calling LinkLinks, I do it all the time".
> Can someone tell me the name of the actress who acts in film "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reson"?
Her name is Evangeline Lilly and can be seen on ABc's "Lost". Google her and you will find all the info you need.
Whos the blonde, " in your hand" live links commercial ad? 2015 ad i believe.
I've some info that her first name is Charlotte, but no one will give her last name. Info about the commercial can be found at https://youtu.be/je50EwNIQCw> It really gives a lot of info about the production. If you are able to gleen any info from that, please share. Thx.
After digging, I found out the actress in the "in your hand" live links commercial is " Charlotte Kavanagh" . She's actually been in a couple hit shows now. Never seen her in them, but consider this question solved lol.
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