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song used in JC Penny commercial very recently

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# 46 20 years ago

> > I think the ad is for JC Penny' going back to school. I know it has kids of different ages dancing to the song on different commercials (one for grade school, one for high school). Some of it goes "Rock your body, (something?>"step") one, two". One of the kid dancers was in Missy Elliott's video. She is good. A little brown haired girl. Anyone know what it is? Thanks.
I am also looking for that song! Let me know if you find it. The only lyrics I can add is that after every eight counts of lyrics it goes "woah oh oh, woah oh, oh" Good luck!
# 47 20 years ago

> > I think the ad is for JC Penny' going back to school. I know it has kids of different ages dancing to the song on different commercials (one for grade school, one for high school). Some of it goes "Rock your body, (something?>"step") one, two". One of the kid dancers was in Missy Elliott's video. She is good. A little brown haired girl. Anyone know what it is? Thanks.
# 48 20 years ago

> I think the ad is for JC Penny' going back to school. I know it has kids of different ages dancing to the song on different commercials (one for grade school, one for high school). Some of it goes "Rock your body, (something?>"step") one, two". One of the kid dancers was in Missy Elliott's video. She is good. A little brown haired girl. Anyone know what it is? Thanks.

The song is called, Roc Ya Body by Stagga Lee
# 49 20 years ago

The song is called "Rock Ya Body" by MVP featuring Stagga Lee.
# 50 20 years ago

> I think the ad is for JC Penny' going back to school. I know it has kids of different ages dancing to the song on different commercials (one for grade school, one for high school). Some of it goes "Rock your body, (something?>"step") one, two". One of the kid dancers was in Missy Elliott's video. She is good. A little brown haired girl. Anyone know what it is? Thanks.

Alyson Stoner
# 51 20 years ago

its all in side
# 52 20 years ago

> I think the ad is for JC Penny' going back to school. I know it has kids of different ages dancing to the song on different commercials (one for grade school, one for high school). Some of it goes "Rock your body, (something?>"step") one, two". One of the kid dancers was in Missy Elliott's video. She is good. A little brown haired girl. Anyone know what it is? Thanks.
# 53 20 years ago

> Yeah. That girl's name si Alyson Stoner. She is the best dancer.
# 54 20 years ago

> I think the ad is for JC Penny' going back to school. I know it has kids of different ages dancing to the song on different commercials (one for grade school, one for high school). Some of it goes "Rock your body, (something?>"step") one, two". One of the kid dancers was in Missy Elliott's video. She is good. A little brown haired girl. Anyone know what it is? Thanks.
# 55 19 years ago

By the way the song goes "rock your body mike check one too dj in the nicklebock into the groove wont be long till your (some think i cant reemember atm) Like ohhh ohh.
# 56 19 years ago

> I think the ad is for JC Penny' going back to school. I know it has kids of different ages dancing to the song on different commercials (one for grade school, one for high school). Some of it goes "Rock your body, (something?>"step") one, two". One of the kid dancers was in Missy Elliott's video. She is good. A little brown haired girl. Anyone know what it is? Thanks. Yeah! Allison Stoner! from cheaper by the dozen!
# 57 19 years ago

> I think the ad is for JC Penny' going back to school. I know it has kids of different ages dancing to the song on different commercials (one for grade school, one for high school). Some of it goes "Rock your body, (something?>"step") one, two". One of the kid dancers was in Missy Elliott's video. She is good. A little brown haired girl. Anyone know what it is? Thanks.........the little girl is on "Mikes Supper Short Show" on the disney channel...she is realy cute...i have been looking to find that song for like for ever if you find it please let me know!!!Thanks a lot!!
# 58 19 years ago

Rock Ya Body Mic Check 1, 2" - by MVP
# 59 19 years ago

> I think the ad is for JC Penny' going back to school. I know it has kids of different ages dancing to the song on different commercials (one for grade school, one for high school). Some of it goes "Rock your body, (something?>"step") one, two". One of the kid dancers was in Missy Elliott's video. She is good. A little brown haired girl. Anyone know what it is? Thanks.

It's called rock your body by Stagga Lee
# 60 19 years ago

> I think the ad is for JC Penny' going back to school. I know it has kids of different ages dancing to the song on different commercials (one for grade school, one for high school). Some of it goes "Rock your body, (something?>"step") one, two". One of the kid dancers was in Missy Elliott's video. She is good. A little brown haired girl. Anyone know what it is? Thanks.

If you know the song plz lemme know
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