song used in JC Penny commercial very recently
I think the ad is for JC Penny' going back to school. I know it has kids of different ages dancing to the song on different commercials (one for grade school, one for high school). Some of it goes "Rock your body, (something?>"step") one, two". One of the kid dancers was in Missy Elliott's video. She is good. A little brown haired girl. Anyone know what it is? Thanks.
> Thank goddd i found this song... it's soo awesome eh?? it's by Stagga Lee and it's called "rock your body, mic check 1,2" this is a hot song...
> I think the ad is for JC Penny' going back to school. I know it has kids of different ages dancing to the song on different commercials (one for grade school, one for high school). Some of it goes "Rock your body, (something?>"step") one, two". One of the kid dancers was in Missy Elliott's video. She is good. A little brown haired girl. Anyone know what it is? Thanks.
her name is Alyson Stoner shes so sweet and can dance her ass off I love her so much!
hey guys I found the song from JC Penny's comemrcial. It's by Stagga Lee and it's called "Rock Your Body (Mic Check 1,2)". There's a clip of it that you can listen to on
> I think the ad is for JC Penny' going back to school. I know it has kids of different ages dancing to the song on different commercials (one for grade school, one for high school). Some of it goes "Rock your body, (something?>"step") one, two". One of the kid dancers was in Missy Elliott's video. She is good. A little brown haired girl. Anyone know what it is? Thanks.
> I think the ad is for JC Penny' going back to school. I know it has kids of different ages dancing to the song on different commercials (one for grade school, one for high school). Some of it goes "Rock your body, (something?>"step") one, two". One of the kid dancers was in Missy Elliott's video. She is good. A little brown haired girl. Anyone know what it is? Thanks.
> > I think the ad is for JC Penny' going back to school. I know it has kids of different ages dancing to the song on different commercials (one for grade school, one for high school). Some of it goes "Rock your body, (something?>"step") one, two". One of the kid dancers was in Missy Elliott's video. She is good. A little brown haired girl. Anyone know what it is? Thanks. > wats the songs name!!!!
Artist Stagga Lee Song Title Rock Your Body (mic check 1,2
The song is "Rock Ya Body" by Stagga Lee ...
The song is "Rock Ya Body" by Stagga Lee ...
That song is tha bomb! Makes ya wanna get up and daaance! I gotta find that CD. Is it new?
Just C
Allison Stoner
Music video @,2.asx
The Song is Artist: M.V.P ft Stagga Lee Title: Rock You Body Mic Check 1,2
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