Does anyone know the title of the classical song that used to play on EA Sports commercials? I have heard it in a few other places, but I cannot seem to find the name of the song.
> Does anyone know the title of the classical song that used to play on EA Sports commercials? I have heard it in a few other places, but I cannot seem to find the name of the song. -I'm not sure, but do you know where I could find a transcript of the ea sports commercial that started out, "I'm better than you and I can prove it"? It was a cool commercial that illustrated one view of how sports came to be. Very inspiring.
I was curious as well so I googled the lyrics. Its Old 97's - Question. From the album Satellite Rides
> Does anyone know the title of the classical song that used to play on EA Sports commercials? I have heard it in a few other places, but I cannot seem to find the name of the song.
It's the end of O Fortuna. See
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