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New Budweiser Commercial

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# 16 18 years ago

> > What's the name and artist name of the techno song playing in the background of the new Bud commercial where guys and girls are dancing at a club, it's a very surreal, high-energy commercial, just came out recently?? Thanks!
The name of the song is Galvanized by the Chemical Brothers. Hope that helps ya!
# 17 18 years ago

> > What's the name and artist name of the techno song playing in the background of the new Bud commercial where guys and girls are dancing at a club, it's a very surreal, high-energy commercial, just came out recently?? Thanks!
# 18 18 years ago

Um isn't the song called Galvanized?
# 19 18 years ago

> > What's the name and artist name of the techno song playing in the background of the new Bud commercial where guys and girls are dancing at a club, it's a very surreal, high-energy commercial, just came out recently?? Thanks!
# 20 18 years ago

Actually, the song is called "Galvanize" by the Chemical Brothers. I went looking for "Don't Hold Back", which is what I thought it was called too. But turns out not. Thought I would pass along and hopefully save someone else from having to track this tidbit of info down.
# 21 18 years ago

> > What's the name and artist name of the techno song playing in the background of the new Bud commercial where guys and girls are dancing at a club, it's a very surreal, high-energy commercial, just came out recently?? Thanks!
# 22 18 years ago

> > > What's the name and artist name of the techno song playing in the background of the new Bud commercial where guys and girls are dancing at a club, it's a very surreal, high-energy commercial, just came out recently?? Thanks!
> >
> It's called don't hold back by the Chemical brothers and Q-Tip from the group Tribe called quest doing the vocals.:-)

Actually, it's called Galvanize, but everything else is correct.
# 23 18 years ago

Actually it's called "Galvanize" and it's on the Push The Button CD from the Chemical Brothers.

> > > What's the name and artist name of the techno song playing in the background of the new Bud commercial where guys and girls are dancing at a club, it's a very surreal, high-energy commercial, just came out recently?? Thanks!
> >
> It's called don't hold back by the Chemical brothers and Q-Tip from the group Tribe called quest doing the vocals.:-)
# 24 18 years ago

> > > What's the name and artist name of the techno song playing in the background of the new Bud commercial where guys and girls are dancing at a club, it's a very surreal, high-energy commercial, just came out recently?? Thanks!
> >
> It's called don't hold back by the Chemical brothers and Q-Tip from the group Tribe called quest doing the vocals.:-)

The song is actually titled "Galvanize", but it is from the Chemical Brothers.
# 25 18 years ago

Actually the song is called Galvanize, by the Chemical Brothers
# 26 18 years ago

No, its called Galvanize. Its on the album "push the button"
# 27 18 years ago

"Galvanize" by The Chemical Brothers feat. Q-Tip

Yes this is the song thanks for the tip

# 28 18 years ago

> > What's the name and artist name of the techno song playing in the background of the new Bud commercial where guys and girls are dancing at a club, it's a very surreal, high-energy commercial, just came out recently?? Thanks!

The Chemical Brothers - Galvanize
# 29 18 years ago

> > > What's the name and artist name of the techno song playing in the background of the new Bud commercial where guys and girls are dancing at a club, it's a very surreal, high-energy commercial, just came out recently?? Thanks!
> >
> It's called don't hold back by the Chemical brothers and Q-Tip from the group Tribe called quest doing the vocals.:-)

It's actually called Galvanized by the chemical brothers.. found on the Push the button album
# 30 18 years ago

> > What's the name and artist name of the techno song playing in the background of the new Bud commercial where guys and girls are dancing at a club, it's a very surreal, high-energy commercial, just came out recently?? Thanks!
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