REQ: Nike Basketball - Roswell Rayguns song
Kai Curtis
Does anyone here know what song is playing in the Nike Basketball commercial about the Roswell Rayguns. The song begins with a sample of a man saying, 'Glory be / The funk's on me / Keep that funk alive' Thanks, Kai
Kai Curtis
Okay, so, with a little more research, I found out that the music is provided by Bootsy Collins of Funkadelic fame, which I'm guessing means that the music is for the commercial only. Anyway, anyone who wants to see the ad in question can find it at Nike's site.
Kai, let me pass on this CDnow playlist from Glory Be The Funk's On Me. It has that phrase in both traks, (stretchin' & the commercial version, but they do sound different) Anyway, check it out and hopefully, it leads somewhere.
snoop dogg- undercover funk
> Does anyone here know what song is playing in the Nike Basketball commercial. It is new.
Does anyone know the song to the nike basketball commercial w/ everyone dunking (it came out after the RJ/VC one)
> Does anyone here know what song is playing in the Nike Basketball commercial about the Roswell Rayguns. The song begins with a sample of a man saying, 'Glory be / The funk's on me / Keep that funk alive' > Thanks, > Kai >
I recently saw a Nike commercial that featured a basketball player saying something like "I dont know why people are suprised when something great comes from nowhere, maybe its nowhere that makes them great" I would like to know who said that and why. I would also like to know what his exact words were. I'ts a wonderful quote. Thank You >
I recently saw a Nike commercial that featured a basketball player saying something like "I dont know why people are suprised when something great comes from nowhere, maybe its nowhere that makes them great" I would like to know who said that and why. I would also like to know what his exact words were. I'ts a wonderful quote. Thank You >
> > Does anyone here know what song is playing in the Nike Basketball commercial about the Roswell Rayguns. The song begins with a sample of a man saying, 'Glory be / The funk's on me / Keep that funk alive' > > Thanks, > > Kai > > >
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