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# 121 20 years ago

>Dear Hillary,
You are my idol. I watch Lizze MacQuire all the time. I hope you will write me back. I always wished I could meet you. When I grow up I want to be just like you. I reall like all your songs, my favorite is "So Yesterday". Thank you for taking my letter. I hope to hear from you soon. Your Friend, Janel Link
# 122 20 years ago

Kevin menscher
Dear Hillary,

# 123 20 years ago

Kevin menscher
Dear Hillary,

# 124 20 years ago



I enjoy your songs and movies. I love to dance and sing yours song. I am starting to collect your cd's and want to get some poster to put on my bedroom wall.

Just wanted to say Hi and let you know how much i enjoy watching and listening to you.

Nicole Gattuso
# 125 20 years ago



I enjoy your songs and movies. I love to dance and sing yours song. I am starting to collect your cd's and want to get some poster to put on my bedroom wall.

Just wanted to say Hi and let you know how much i enjoy watching and listening to you.

Nicole Gattuso
# 126 20 years ago

> > dear hillary duff,
you are the greatest. you are my role model. every one at school hates you, but I don't. I have one of your lizzie mcuire book sets. I read them all the time. I have a little brother named Jerrad. He can be as rude as Matt mcuire at times.I have two dogs, three horses,four fish, and three cats.I go to Brigdeport Elementary Scool. I am in the 7th grade. A kid I know thinks your hot. His name is Evan Hysell. He goes to my school. I would really apperciate it if you called me at 1 530 495 2510.

thanks heidi
# 127 20 years ago

> > dear hillary duff,
you are the greatest. you are my role model. every one at school hates you, but I don't. I have one of your lizzie mcuire book sets. I read them all the time. I have a little brother named Jerrad. He can be as rude as Matt mcuire at times.I have two dogs, three horses,four fish, and three cats.I go to Brigdeport Elementary Scool. I am in the 7th grade. A kid I know thinks your hot. His name is Evan Hysell. He goes to my school. I would really apperciate it if you called me at 1 530 495 2510.

thanks heidi
# 128 20 years ago

> > dear hillary duff,
you are the greatest. you are my role model. every one at school hates you, but I don't. I have one of your lizzie mcuire book sets. I read them all the time. I have a little brother named Jerrad. He can be as rude as Matt mcuire at times.I have two dogs, three horses,four fish, and three cats.I go to Brigdeport Elementary Scool. I am in the 7th grade. A kid I know thinks your hot. His name is Evan Hysell. He goes to my school. I would really apperciate it if you called me at 1 530 495 2510.

thanks heidi
# 129 20 years ago

> > dear hillary duff,
you are the greatest. you are my role model. every one at school hates you, but I don't. I have one of your lizzie mcuire book sets. I read them all the time. I have a little brother named Jerrad. He can be as rude as Matt mcuire at times.I have two dogs, three horses,four fish, and three cats.I go to Brigdeport Elementary Scool. I am in the 7th grade. A kid I know thinks your hot. His name is Evan Hysell. He goes to my school. I would really apperciate it if you called me at 1 530 495 2510.

thanks heidi
# 130 20 years ago

> > dear hillary duff,
you are the greatest. you are my role model. every one at school hates you, but I don't. I have one of your lizzie mcuire book sets. I read them all the time. I have a little brother named Jerrad. He can be as rude as Matt mcuire at times.I have two dogs, three horses,four fish, and three cats.I go to Brigdeport Elementary Scool. I am in the 7th grade. A kid I know thinks your hot. His name is Evan Hysell. He goes to my school. I would really apperciate it if you called me at 1 530 495 2510.

thanks heidi
# 131 20 years ago

> > dear hillary duff,
you are the greatest. you are my role model. every one at school hates you, but I don't. I have one of your lizzie mcuire book sets. I read them all the time. I have a little brother named Jerrad. He can be as rude as Matt mcuire at times.I have two dogs, three horses,four fish, and three cats.I go to Brigdeport Elementary Scool. I am in the 7th grade. A kid I know thinks your hot. His name is Evan Hysell. He goes to my school. I would really apperciate it if you called me at 1 530 495 2510.

thanks heidi
# 132 20 years ago

> > dear hillary duff,
you are the greatest. you are my role model. every one at school hates you, but I don't. I have one of your lizzie mcuire book sets. I read them all the time. I have a little brother named Jerrad. He can be as rude as Matt mcuire at times.I have two dogs, three horses,four fish, and three cats.I go to Brigdeport Elementary Scool. I am in the 7th grade. A kid I know thinks your hot. His name is Evan Hysell. He goes to my school. I would really apperciate it if you called me at 1 530 495 2510.

thanks heidi
# 133 20 years ago

> > dear hillary duff,
you are the greatest. you are my role model. every one at school hates you, but I don't. I have one of your lizzie mcuire book sets. I read them all the time. I have a little brother named Jerrad. He can be as rude as Matt mcuire at times.I have two dogs, three horses,four fish, and three cats.I go to Brigdeport Elementary Scool. I am in the 7th grade. A kid I know thinks your hot. His name is Evan Hysell. He goes to my school. I would really apperciate it if you called me at 1 530 495 2510.

thanks heidi
# 134 20 years ago

> > dear hillary duff,
you are the greatest. you are my role model. every one at school hates you, but I don't. I have one of your lizzie mcuire book sets. I read them all the time. I have a little brother named Jerrad. He can be as rude as Matt mcuire at times.I have two dogs, three horses,four fish, and three cats.I go to Brigdeport Elementary Scool. I am in the 7th grade. A kid I know thinks your hot. His name is Evan Hysell. He goes to my school. I would really apperciate it if you called me at 1 530 495 2510.

thanks heidi
# 135 20 years ago

Dear Hillary Duff,
At first i was not a big fan of yours, but lately I have been real interested in you!I was at your concert in Shreveport,Louisiana!I really enjoyed it!The thing is that I just wish that I could have been down on the side or on the floor so I could see you better!I also wish I could have touched you hand!(like you did to some people).My cousin is a BIG fan of yours! He loves you!Please email me back!Iwould appreciate it!!

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