Dear Hillary Duff: I Know this request seems presumptuous and somewhat off the wall but please consider respectfully. My name is John Krage and have developed and the art of touching and helping people heal themselves through my thirty years of coaching. No Doctor heals anyone but working together healing miracles happen. Unique to my art is that I no longer can help many human beings because of an injury that occurred this past year. As I pondered how I might help others continue to express their art forms of dance, song etc. Your name Hillary and a few others came to my mind and heart. I live in San Diego and noticed that you will be touring here in January of 2004. Should the opportunity present itself, and you have a need of my services now or in the future, please call me on my cell phone 619-743 0066? By way of professionalism and appropriate conduct, I am the proud father of eight children 5 boys and 3 girls. My profound desire, passion and goal is to assist you to remain pain free, high energy and structurally balanced to deliver your passionate talent minimizing injury. Should Their be an interest to help a member of your team or yourself please do not hesitate to call me? Also with the possibility of all ready having a medical assistant, I pose the question, is he or she getting the consistent results desired for your performing team? I would challenge the opportunity to be an additional doctor to your present healing staff and to consider improvement upon your present treatment protocals having treated many porfesssional with like overuse syndromes to perform daily. My first days evaluation,and if necessary treatment will be a courtesy on my part to determine compatibility, passion for a common mission, to have sufficient margines to the mission and have fun in do process. I hope to hear from you Hillary or a staff member. respectfully, John Krage DC, Orthopedist, Acupuncture and clinical nutritionist