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# 1 15 years ago

Different people have different attitudes towards learning and effective study habits. This implies that there are many studying strategies. These effective habits are as follows:
Always keep a positive attitude towards studying and learning
More often than not, people regard studying as a very tasking and tiresome activity to do. This can be because the outcomes and results of studying are not always rewarding- for some there are still instances of failure, although some achieve success by studying hard. Given this, a learner must not therefore be pessimistic before studying. This may hinder any positive thoughts, hopes and outlook. Thus, even before one studies or reviews for an exam, he or she must start the activity with a positive outlook that he or she will learn a lot and that his or her study will help a lot during the examination.
Never underestimate learning from doing home work
Most students have the notion that learning only happens in class discussions and reviews. However, doing home works offers a lot of learning and academic improvements on every student. A research paper or a series of
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