celebrity voices in commercials
How can someone find information on the celebrity voices used in specific commercials? I love to try and guess whose voice I am hearing in an ad but I'd like to be able to verify my guess.
thanx, Gail
Some celebs who frequently lend their voices to commercial advertisments;
Martin Sheen Robert Wagner Linda Carter (wonderwoman) Lyndsey Wagner Ed Bageley Jr. Ellen K (KIIS 102.7) Phil Hartman (late SNL castmember) John Goodman (Roseanne) James Earl Jones (Field of Dreams)
> Some celebs who frequently lend their voices to commercial advertisments; > > Martin Sheen > Robert Wagner > Linda Carter (wonderwoman) > Lyndsey Wagner > Ed Bageley Jr. > Ellen K (KIIS 102.7) > Phil Hartman (late SNL castmember) > John Goodman (Roseanne) > James Earl Jones (Field of Dreams) > > DCH > > > Does anybody know if voice on the new Panasonic HDTV Commercial is Christian Slater's??
Thanks, Di
> > Some celebs who frequently lend their voices to commercial advertisments; > > > > Martin Sheen > > Robert Wagner > > Linda Carter (wonderwoman) > > Lyndsey Wagner > > Ed Bageley Jr. > > Ellen K (KIIS 102.7) > > Phil Hartman (late SNL castmember) > > John Goodman (Roseanne) > > James Earl Jones (Field of Dreams) > > > > DCH > > > > > > > Does anybody know if voice on the new Panasonic HDTV Commercial is Christian Slater's?? > > Thanks, > Di
Yes, the Panosonic commercials are Christian Slater. Does anyone know who does the Nissan commercials? I wanna say Chris Cooper, but I'm not sure.
> > Some celebs who frequently lend their voices to commercial advertisments; > > > > Martin Sheen > > Robert Wagner > > Linda Carter (wonderwoman) > > Lyndsey Wagner > > Ed Bageley Jr. > > Ellen K (KIIS 102.7) > > Phil Hartman (late SNL castmember) > > John Goodman (Roseanne) > > James Earl Jones (Field of Dreams) > > > > DCH > > > > > > > Does anybody know if voice on the new Panasonic HDTV Commercial is Christian Slater's?? > > Thanks, > Di
Yes, the Panasonic commercials are Christian Slater. Does anyone know who does the Nissan commercials? I wanna say Chris Cooper, but I'm not sure.
who is the voice on the jack in the box commercials and who is behind the ball?
I heard this was a good book that shows you how to get into the voiceover business. I've been trying to find it. Do you know who wrote it?
> How can someone find information on the celebrity voices used in specific commercials? I love to try and guess whose voice I am hearing in an ad but I'd like to be able to verify my guess. > > thanx, > Gail Hey gail who is the voice for lowes home inprovment store?
> > How can someone find information on the celebrity voices used in specific commercials? I love to try and guess whose voice I am hearing in an ad but I'd like to be able to verify my guess. > > > > thanx, > > Gail > Hey gail who is the voice for lowes home inprovment store?
I believe it's Tommy Lee Jones.
> > How can someone find information on the celebrity voices used in specific commercials? I love to try and guess whose voice I am hearing in an ad but I'd like to be able to verify my guess. > > > > thanx, > > Gail > Hey gail who is the voice for lowes home inprovment store?
I like to do the same thing and was trying to find the answer to the same question. The answer to Lowes's is Gene Hackman.
> Hey gail who is the voice for lowes home inprovment store?
> > How can someone find information on the celebrity voices used in specific commercials? I love to try and guess whose voice I am hearing in an ad but I'd like to be able to verify my guess. > > > > thanx, > > Gail > Hey gail who is the voice for lowes home inprovment store? It's Gene Hackman. Who's voice does the cingular ads and says they're "raising the bar"? Thanx, rufus
> > > How can someone find information on the celebrity voices used in specific commercials? I love to try and guess whose voice I am hearing in an ad but I'd like to be able to verify my guess. > > > > > > thanx, > > > Gail > > Hey gail who is the voice for lowes home inprovment store? > Gene Hackamn
Gail, Let me know which commercial's you're interested in... it's been a hobby of mine for awhile.
> > > How can someone find information on the celebrity voices used in specific commercials? I love to try and guess whose voice I am hearing in an ad but I'd like to be able to verify my guess. > > > > > > thanx, > > > Gail > > Hey gail who is the voice for lowes home inprovment store? > It's Gene Hackman. Who's voice does the cingular ads and says they're "raising the bar"? Thanx, rufus
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