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breakdance music

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# 1 18 years ago

i want breakdance music for download...
it´s possible?
# 2 18 years ago

> i want breakdance music for download...
> it´s possible?

Mmh, not really. Clipland is a database ABOUT music videos and not a downloading site...

Anyway, you are free to watch the videos on the site and as we all know music videos are accompanied by music.. ;-)

Of course, you are free to download music from popular downloading locations like AOL, iTunes etc.
But there are also some stops for free music online. For example:

Good luck and good hunting. Maybe you can tell us what exactly you are looking for and we might be able to help...
# 3 18 years ago

> > i want breakdance music for download...
> > it´s possible?
> Mmh, not really. Clipland is a database ABOUT music videos and not a downloading site...
> Anyway, you are free to watch the videos on the site and as we all know music videos are accompanied by music.. ;-)
> Of course, you are free to download music from popular downloading locations like AOL, iTunes etc.
> But there are also some stops for free music online. For example:
> Good luck and good hunting. Maybe you can tell us what exactly you are looking for and we might be able to help...
# 4 17 years ago

> i want breakdance music for download...
> it´s possible?
# 5 17 years ago

> > i want breakdance music for download...
> > it´s possible?
# 6 17 years ago

> i want breakdance music for download...
> it´s possible?
# 7 17 years ago

> i want breakdance music for download...
> it´s possible?
# 8 17 years ago

> i want breakdance music for download...
> it´s possible?
# 9 17 years ago

> > i want breakdance music for download...
> > it´s possible?
> Mmh, not really. Clipland is a database ABOUT music videos and not a downloading site...
> Anyway, you are free to watch the videos on the site and as we all know music videos are accompanied by music.. ;-)
> Of course, you are free to download music from popular downloading locations like AOL, iTunes etc.
> But there are also some stops for free music online. For example:
> Good luck and good hunting. Maybe you can tell us what exactly you are looking for and we might be able to help...
# 10 17 years ago

> > i want breakdance music for download...
> > it´s possible?
> Mmh, not really. Clipland is a database ABOUT music videos and not a downloading site...
> Anyway, you are free to watch the videos on the site and as we all know music videos are accompanied by music.. ;-)
> Of course, you are free to download music from popular downloading locations like AOL, iTunes etc.
> But there are also some stops for free music online. For example:
> Good luck and good hunting. Maybe you can tell us what exactly you are looking for and we might be able to help...
# 11 17 years ago

> > i want breakdance music for download...
> > it´s possible?
> Mmh, not really. Clipland is a database ABOUT music videos and not a downloading site...
> Anyway, you are free to watch the videos on the site and as we all know music videos are accompanied by music.. ;-)
> Of course, you are free to download music from popular downloading locations like AOL, iTunes etc.
> But there are also some stops for free music online. For example:
> Good luck and good hunting. Maybe you can tell us what exactly you are looking for and we might be able to help...
(All 11 messages )

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