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"I Won't Grow Up" SUV or minivan ad?

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# 1 21 years ago


I'm wondering if anybody remembers a commercial that aired for a few months in the late 80s or early 90s which used this song from Peter Pan?
It showed a woman taking her son to a preschool or something. She looked over at his sad face when they pulled up in front, then just drove off without dropping him off. The next scene showed them out playing in the woods, having a blast.
It was a great commercial, but I've never been able to turn up any info on it, and can't even remember whose ad it was! :(
If anybody remembers it, any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
# 2 10 years ago

Hi all. I'm replying to a post I made here 11 years ago. I finally found the ad I was looking for the other day, if anyone's interested. I'm either highly dedicated or extremely obsessed, lol. At any rate, I was a little surprised to see my old post pop up in a search! Here's the link: :)

The Suzuki Sidekick - I Won't Grow Up - YouTube
# 3 10 years ago

You Steve, rock!'s true dedication to the only important art-form on planet Earth: advertisements ;)

Thank you for reminding us all about that gem!
# 4 10 years ago

I've just noticed this thread here: incredible! Thank you Steve for taking the time!

I've just added the ad to the Catalog, for posterity to commemorate:
# 5 10 years ago

Thank you! I was rather pleased to have stumbled across it. Strange how some ads stick with you for ages. Who knows, there may be someone else out there who remembers it. :)
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