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Cuban Song From Bad Boys 2

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# 1 21 years ago

Identity of the Hispanic (sounded cuban) song that played in the background of the scene where Tapia and Syd meet at the beach in Bad Boys 2. I am pretty sure it also played in another scene as well.
# 2 21 years ago

What is the name of that Cuban Song?
# 3 21 years ago

> Identity of the Hispanic (sounded cuban) song that played in the background of the scene where Tapia and Syd meet at the beach in Bad Boys 2. I am pretty sure it also played in another scene as well.
yo man, did u ever find out the name of that song
# 4 21 years ago

hey don't know if anyone is even going to look at this still but i just wanted to let you guys know i've been searchin forever and i finally found it...that is if you are talking about the beach is called Atrevido and i think it's by Orishas...good luck guys
# 5 21 years ago

hey!! i was looking for this song, but cant find it. the only thing i figuerd out from the scripts afetr the movie the song's name it either "Menina" or somethign like "Devendido". but i cant find it... if you find it , email me, ok!!!
# 6 21 years ago

> Identity of the Hispanic (sounded cuban) song that played in the background of the scene where Tapia and Syd meet at the beach in Bad Boys 2. I am pretty sure it also played in another scene as well.
# 7 21 years ago

> Identity of the Hispanic (sounded cuban) song that played in the background of the scene where Tapia and Syd meet at the beach in Bad Boys 2. I am pretty sure it also played in another scene as well.
# 8 20 years ago

> Identity of the Hispanic (sounded cuban) song that played in the background of the scene where Tapia and Syd meet at the beach in Bad Boys 2. I am pretty sure it also played in another scene as well.
# 9 20 years ago

it's called "Orishas - Atrevido"

its not on the soundtrack, but its a really great song :->
# 10 18 years ago

> > Identity of the Hispanic (sounded cuban) song that played in the background of the scene where Tapia and Syd meet at the beach in Bad Boys 2. I am pretty sure it also played in another scene as well.
> >
# 11 18 years ago

> > Identity of the Hispanic (sounded cuban) song that played in the background of the scene where Tapia and Syd meet at the beach in Bad Boys 2. I am pretty sure it also played in another scene as well.
> >
# 12 17 years ago

> Identity of the Hispanic (sounded cuban) song that played in the background of the scene where Tapia and Syd meet at the beach in Bad Boys 2. I am pretty sure it also played in another scene as well.
# 13 12 years ago

You are right you Legend... this is the song Orishas - Atrevido. Brilliant song.
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