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Clipland Forum TV Commercials Lost/Unknown Car Commercial

Message: Lost/Unknown Car Commercial

Posted by mrpersoninusa on 15 years ago
(I thought I'd repost after the idiot's 50 spam messages)

Car Commercial that Nobody Remembers
Around 1999 or 2000, there was a car commercial on US television (I think it was Ford Focus, but I might be wrong) of a woman driving to pick up her boyfriend for a business dinner. Funky music starts to play and she changes into an evening dress while sitting in the driver's seat.

He yelled down at her car (from a New York City-style walkup apartment) that he would be right there. He comes down in shorts and a T-shirt and tells her the boss is having an outdoor cookout.

I can't find anyone, anywhere who remembers this commercial. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
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