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Rottin Razkals - Oh Yeah

Music Video
ArtistRottin Razkals
SongOh Yeah
DirectorKay Gee
DirectorJeffrey Byrd
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


[ Fam ]
What's the problem, Officer? I ain't be did nothin
You on my back sweatin me like I'm some kid frontin
I'm tryin to do my thing, Ingle and Illtown sing
Double I's the thing, if you know what I mean
"What you do for a living, boy?," I mean I rock
Not sellin coke on the block, I had to stop
"What's your name?" - Fam
Damn yo, put a mic in my hand
This is as good as grand
I make you understand how I am
What I stand for and what it's worth
You see my life flash in front of yo face and think it's cursed
© Rottin Razkals - Oh Yeah. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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