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Short Film | United Kingdom | 1999
DirectorCharles Guard
DirectorTom Guard
Director of PhotographyAndy Collins
EditorJustine Wright
LocationSelfridges, Oxford Street, London, England, United Kingdom
CountryUK 1999
Negative formatS16mm
Runtime7 minutes
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown
Video Stream URL35mm Kodak: 7 min. Director: Charles and Tom Guard Production Co: The Long March Film Co A researcher~s surprise as attempts to stop pedestrians catch the eye of a beautiful window dresser. Shot mute outside Selfridges, from the excelent establishing shot to the classic chaplinesque pathos ending -one of the best shorts of 2000. Producer: Charles and Tom Guard DP/Lighting Camera: Andy Collins editor: Justin Wright music/composer: David Hartley writer: Dylan Ritson. Cast: Lena Heady, Simon McBurney. Edinburgh & BSFF & Kodak showcase: Best short. Raindance99 / First Film Foundation new directions selection/Sony Pro Media Newcomer award (2nd

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