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Mau Maus - Blak Iz Blak

Music Video | 2000
ArtistMau Maus
SongBlak Iz Blak
AlbumSoundtrack _Bamboozled_
DirectorSpike Lee
Sound MixStereo
Technical Specificationscolour - format unknown


* Canibus, Charli Baltimore, Gano Grills, MC Serch, Mos Def, Mums *

[Hard Black]
Peep the math
Mau Mau be about land and freedom
Reperation and apologies, for Africa to America oddesseys
Guerilla-type tactics on them socialistic fallacies
It be about, the devestations of the social doministic thought
Keep a brown man down sport
They wantin to keep our (?) set nigga
The way Franz Fanon put it, you lucky I ain't "wretched" yet

[Big Black - Mos Def]
Yo, you fucked up in the game now
© Mau Maus - Blak Iz Blak. This is an excerpt, provided as citation under fair-use.

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